I have illustrated packaging for numerous companies like Burger King, Nestle, Calvin Klein and Dannon as well as editorial work, point of purchase displays , even a bill board. All images on this site were painted by hand with watercolor, the old fashioned way.
I would love to work with you on your project so please feel free to contact me!
Many of the images you see here are available for licensing.
For additional work...
Behance: https://www.behance.net/KarenKluglein
Nabaroo: http://nabaroo.com/karenkluglein
Botanical site: http://www.botanical-paintings.com/
Published work:
Advertising:Afrin:Schering Corp; Air Force:General Electric; American White Cross; America’s Choice; AT&T; Band-Aid and Stim-U-Dent:Johnson&Johnson; Blue Cross / Blue Shield; Borden; Burger King; Calvin Klein; Coors; Dannon; Eckrich; Eli Lilly; Florida State Lottery; Guldens; Hardees; Health Maid; Hershey’s; Hill’s Science Diet; IBM Corp.; I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter: Lever Brothers; Jello-O: General Foods; General Mills; Kimberly Clark; Lee; Levis; Ludens; M&M Mars; Marine Midland Bank; Mikasa; Nabisco; New Day Beverage,Inc.; Ocuclear:Schering; Ocean Spray; Panasonic; Pillsbury; Pop Shots,Inc.; Schiefflin and Co.; Seldane:Merrel Dow Pharmaceudicals; Singer; SNET; Sprite: Tetley; 7-11:Texas Southland Corp; Toblerone; Tylenol:McNeil Consumer Products Co.; United Dairy Farmers; US Postal Service; Ragu:Van Den Bergh Foods; Van Heusen; Walnut Acres; Wrangler; The Atlantic Monthly